Welcome to the osintukraine.com documentation!
- N8N for automation and translations and publishing/routing workflows between apps Deduplication (wip)
- Baserow as a database & search / filter
- media preview in the work (wip)kanban & task system for geolocation teams (wip)
- NocoDB as API provider from the 4 SQLite
- media preview (wip)public frontend with search/filter (wip)
- Trello like Wekan todo list (only for members)
- TG-Archive to scrap translated content back to off-telegram archives (SQLite)
- revamp frontend
tui tools that are handy to manage the tg-archive workload
- docker-ctop
- rclone
- bpytopp
- rsync
Remote SSHFS storage box with Terabytes of space to host the videos/medias
files of the different web apps serving the same content in different